Top 5 best tips to start reading

Many a times books play the boring part in our life but as you all know they are important too . Not for a degree but for knowledge u need to read and understand the content of your interest . But this is the main thing , many new readers find it boring to read . I will provide you with some of the basic reading tips that will help you to develope interest in reading anything either a science book or a novel or anything you want .

So here I am for you with the following tips to make your reading interesting :-

1. Have a slow start : 

If today is your first day then don't just start by aiming to read a whole book today , it will make the task more boring and exhausting . Start aiming with time or number of pages or a few topics , which depends on what you are reading and your daily schedule . For an instance consider reading a novel then your aim should be reading 10 - 15 minutes of reading daily and making an increment in the rate gradually .
Tip : make slots as per your efficiency don't get stuck on any specific slot .

2. Plan your reading/studying : 

Have a specific slot in your day for reading and plan your reading everyday . Set the amount you will read before starting to read and complete your targets  daily .
Tip : Make daily objectives , never over plan.

3. Start with your upper hand : 

A good start is always required for a success ending . Start with something in which u have interest or u are familiar with or have knowledge about . Our mind find interest in getting to know more about  things which we already know .
And starting with something which is interesting to you provides you with a flow which will help you in your further reading of so called "boring" topics .
Tip : Before reading any novel read an overview , it helps .

4. Create an environment : 

A peaceful and comfortable environment helps you to concentrate and understand the writings . Before reading remove all distractions such as mobile phones , television or video games . Any of such things creates disturbance in your mind and distracts you from the topic . A peaceful environment helps your mind to stay stable and concentrate more .
Tip : if u need internet use your phone in airplane mode .

5. Take short breaks : 

Hard work pays off but smart work provides you with more output and requires lesser inputs . Instead of studying for hours take small breaks of 10 - 15 mins. After every 30 - 40 mins .
You won't feel tired easily , you can retain more information and your understanding becomes better . If you feel like u can take small power naps or have light and healthy food in between the breaks .
Tip : Have a free stomach before you start .